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  • What Makes Fiberglass So Heat Resistant?
    In high-temperature applications, it is crucial to have adequate thermal insulation and fire-resistant materials. Fiberglass is one such material that can offer both of those properties and many others. Comprising glass fibers, silica sand, and plastic, fiberglass is a versatile material that can
  • What is the Best Plastic Bonding Epoxy Adhesive?
    resistant nature to heat, water, as well as other solvents.
  • Heat Resistant Bonds to Medium and High Surface Energy Substrates - FT A (.pdf)
    Designed for bonding to high surface energy plastics, metals and foam substrates where resistance to plasticizers is required.
  • Top 4 High Temperature Plastics
    Extreme heat resistance is one of the defining properties of high temperature plastic known as thermosets. Long touted for their light-weight and chemical-resistant properties, it is the high heat-resistance that makes the performance of thermoset plastics exceptional in demanding applications
  • Efficiently Applying, Processing and Curing Epoxy Resin
    Epoxy resins are reactive resins with which a stable, chemical-resistant plastic can be produced through the addition of additives. Epoxy-based casting resins feature excellent electrical properties and a high hardness level. When applying epoxy with the proper metering equipment from
  • Potting Material For Electronics And How To Choose The Best
    Potting can be defined as the process of filling an electronic assembly with a solid to enhance its resistance levels. It is also known as embedment and makes components and assemblies resistant to vibrations, shocks, corrosive agents, chemicals, water, and even moisture and heat. A potting box
  • What is the Hardest Epoxy Glue?
    Epoxy glue is a type of adhesive that is made from a variety of different materials. It is typically used for bonding metal, glass, and plastic. Epoxy glue is known for its high strength and durability. It is also resistant to heat and chemicals. Epoxy glue is made from a mixture of a base

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