Flow Conditioners

(11 companies)
Flow conditioners are used to convert turbulent flow into laminar flow in liquids and gases.
Positive displacement flow meters measure the volume or flow rate of a moving fluid or gas by dividing the media into fixed, metered volumes. These devices consist of a chamber that obstructs the media flow and a rotating or reciprocating mechanism that allows the passage of fixed-volume amounts.

Air Flow Sensors

(260 companies)
Air velocity flow sensors measure air velocity or volume flow using insertion probes or capture hoods.
Tool boxes and cabinets are enclosed cases for storing, organizing, and carrying tools. They are also used to protect tools from outside weather elements.

Flow Controllers

(417 companies)
Flow controllers monitor and maintain flow-rate variables, typically in process applications.

Velocity Flow Switches

(65 companies)
Gas flow switches and liquid flow switches, velocity, are used to measure the flow or quantity of a moving fluid in terms of velocity, such as feet per minute.

Flow Cytometers

(24 companies)
Flow cytometers use laser beams to characterize single cells as they pass by at high speed.
Mass flow meters and controllers measure flow rate in units of mass or volume per units of time (e.g., pounds per minute). They are designed for use with gases, liquids, steams, or slurries.
Volumetric liquid flow switches measure the flow or quantity of a moving fluid in terms of a unit of volume per time, such as liters per minute. These flow sensing devices have a switch output.

Liquid Flow Meters

(592 companies)
Liquid flow meters are used to measure the volumetric flow rate or amount of a moving liquid.
Volumetric gas flow switches are devices with a switch output used for measuring the flow or quantity of a moving gas in terms of a unit of volume per unit time, such as cubic feet per minute.
Flow orifices and flow restrictors contain precision-machined holes and filters or screens to restrict flow and reduce pressure. They are available as stand-alone devices and in kits, assemblies, restrictors, and restrictor valves.
Open channel flow meters measure fluid flow through open channels.

Solids Flow Meters

(30 companies)
Solids flow meters measure the flow rate of bulk solids, powders, grain, etc.

Vortex Flow Meters

(136 companies)
Vortex flow meters are flow sensors that detect the frequency of vortices shed by a bluff body placed in a flow stream. The frequency of the vortices is proportional to the flow velocity.