Keep Your Devices Sharp—Calibrate Annually!
Service Detail from ALL-TEST Pro, LLC
As per industry standard, ALL-TEST Pro recommends that all devices be recalibrated each year. We offer in-house calibration services as well as National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Certified Calibrations.
When ALL-TEST Pro develops a product, one of the most important things we think about is how our instruments perform over time.
Our engineers carefully select components that try to minimize wear, however there is no way to eliminate it entirely. Generally, ALL-TEST Pro develops test instruments to conform to a one-year specification.
Although the default confidence specification for ALL-TEST Pro instruments is 99%, there are numerous other factors that can affect an instrument’s performance over time, such as:
- Temperature (with extremes from zero to 100 degrees Celsius)
- Humidity (from 0% to 100% relative humidity)
- Mechanical vibration (bouncing around in a vehicle)
- Mechanical shock (dropping an instrument)
Whether each calibration has been certified or not, the customer should maintain a calibration history to ensure compliances are being met.