Mobile Weather Data in the Toughest Conditions

Featured Product from Airmar Technology Corporation

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Accurate, Reliable Ultrasonic Mobile Weather Data in the Toughest Conditions

Acquiring accurate mobile weather data requires the weather instrument to provide theoretical wind speed, which is essentially the speed of the wind without interference from the speed and direction of the moving vehicle the instrument is mounted on. Theoretical wind speed is calculated based on apparent wind, vehicle speed, and compass heading.


AIRMAR Mobile WeatherStation® WX Series

Airmar Technology's line of ultrasonic mobile WeatherStation® Multisensor instruments delivers accurate, reliable weather data within a rugged, compact, and maintenance-free design that has no moving parts.

The Mobile WX Series is unique because it calculates both apparent and dynamic true wind speed. Dynamic true wind is the wind relative to North but also corrected for the speed and direction of the vessel. Airmar’s WeatherStation instruments integrate a GPS and 3-axis compass which enable the calculation of dynamic true wind speed and direction based upon the apparent wind, speed of the vehicle, and vehicle heading. Dynamic true wind measurement can be critical for any application where the platform is moving, making these durable all-in-one sensors ideal for hyper-local weather on-the-go.


Types of Mobile Applications:

  • Intelligent Transportation: Real-time awareness of local road conditions for fast, informed decision-making
  • Local Weather Data via Mobile Sensing: Weather data collection while on the move for a hyper-local view of road conditions over a specific metropolitan area or region
  • Road Construction: Knowledge of weather activity for scheduling work during the most optimal conditions
  • Agriculture: Confirmation in process that weather conditions continue to meet the legal requirements for insect and vegetation control spraying


Parameters Measured:

  • Apparent wind speed and angle
  • Theoretical wind speed and direction
  • Barometric pressure
  • Air temperature plus calculated wind chill
  • GPS position, speed over ground, and course over ground
  • Relative humidity (RH) (field serviceable option)
  • Calculated dew point and heat index
  • Rate-of-turn
  • Pitch and roll



  • 10 Hz GPS
  • Two-axis solid state compass, or three-axis solid state compass with dynamic stabilization
  • Three-axis accelerometer for best-in-class pitch and roll
  • Three-axis rate gyro for rate-of-turn data
  • Housing IPX6 or IPX7 waterproof rating (IPX4 rating with RH Option)


Output Options:

  • NMEA 0183 (RS422) and NMEA 2000® (CAN Bus)
  • NMEA 0183 (RS232) and NMEA 2000® (CAN Bus)


LEARN MORE about Airmar's line of ultrasonic WeatherStation® multisensor instruments.