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Avoid Costly Expense w/ Air-to-Air Heat Exchangers

Featured Product from Branch Environmental Corp.

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Direct Oxidizers

With Direct Oxidizers, nothing additional is done except to allow the temperature to increase. This takes energy. If the inlet load of solvent or VOC is high enough, then this is the best way to approach control. Simply heat the gas.

As the amount of solvent available decreases, the energy requirement for the supplemental burner increases. You have to burn more and more fuel. To avoid costly operating expense, it is possible to install an Air-to-Air Heat Exchanger. This will take the hot exhaust gas and preheat the incoming cold gas. By recovering part of the energy, operating cost can be controlled.

Air-to-Air Heat Exchangers

Air-to-Air Heat Exchangers operate by taking the outlet hot gas and passing this through a heat exchanger with the cold inlet air on the other side of the tubes in the heat exchanger. The cold air is heated up by the outlet air. Economically, 50% thermal efficiency is considered as an Industry standard but the actual efficiency can vary from this depending on the design requirements.

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