Not all tapes are the same! Avoid missteps
Featured Product from Budnick Converting, Inc.
One of the biggest missteps you can make in your adhesive selection process is assuming that all tapes are the same. So much goes into whether an adhesive will work for your specific application, and you should consider each factor when picking out an ideal product. It's important to match the properties of your adhesive to the needs of what you're bonding.
At we've always made it our primary goal to educate our customers as best we can, and our Tape101 eBook and learning center is the next step in that process. We've outlined the basic steps to follow and questions to ask throughout the process of identifying an adhesive so you can approach each project with the knowledge you need to make the best decisions. Feel free to browse through the basics of tapes, or for a more in-depth overview, download our free eBook here!