FESEM Scanning Electron Microscope | SEM5000Pro
Featured Product from CIQTEK Co., Ltd
With optical navigation, automated functionalities, carefully designed human-computer interaction user interface, and optimized operation and use process, no matter if you are an expert or not, you can quickly get started and complete high-resolution imaging and analysis work.
• High-resolution imaging at low accelerating voltage.
• Electromagnetic composite objective improves low-voltage resolution and enables magnetic specimen observation.
• High-pressure tunneling technology (SuperTunnel) ensures low voltage resolution.
• The electronic optical path without crossover effectively reduces system aberration and improves resolution.
• Water-cooled constant temperature objective lens, to ensure the stability, reliability, and repeatability of the objective lens work.
• Magnetic deflected six-hole various aperture system, with automatic switchable apertures, no mechanical adjustment needed, achieves high-resolution imaging or large beam analysis mode through a click-away fast switching.