Dye Laser Handpiece(DLHP)
Featured Product from CRYSTECH, Inc.
Product Name: DLHP-Y
Size: φ31.5x178mm
Application: Input 532nm,Output585nm
Conversion efficiency: 60-70%
Beam Size: Input 12-15mm Output 2-3mm
Life Time: >20k pulses
Threaded Interface: M22x1.5,Length:8mm
Product Name: DLHP-R
Size: φ31.5x178mm
Application: Input 532nm,Output650nm
Conversion efficiency: 40-50%
Beam Size: Input 12-15mm Output 2-3mm
Life Time: >20k pulses
Threaded Interface: M22x1.5,Length:8mm
Important Note:
1.Input must be pure 532nm laser;
2.Flat top beam is preferred;
3.Power density should be <=0.5J/cm2@532nm, 8-10ns
4.Repetition Rate of 1-2Hz is recommended for extended life time