Chain vs Cablevey Disc Conveyors
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When it comes to moving bulk materials, choosing the right conveyor system can be a critical decision for any business.
Two popular options are the Chain and Cablevey Disc conveyors. While both systems have their advantages and disadvantages, the choice ultimately depends on the specific needs of your application.
In this blog post, we will explore the differences between Chain and Cablevey Disc conveyors and provide insights to help you determine which system is best for you.
Whether you’re moving food, chemicals, or other materials, this guide will help you make an informed decision and select the best conveyor for your operation.
What Are Tubular Drag Conveyors?
Tubular drag conveyors, also known as tubular disc conveyors, are a type of mechanical conveying system to transport bulk materials such as granules, powders, and pellets through a series of closed tubes. The tubes are connected together to form a continuous loop that runs between the inlet and outlet of the conveyor.
As the chain or cable moves through the tubes, it pulls the material along with it, creating a clean and efficient method of bulk material handling. Chain and cable are the two most popular types of tubular disc conveyors.
Chain Disc Conveyors
Chain conveyors use a loop of interconnected chains with close-running discs spaced along its length to move the material through the conveyor. The chains are typically made of high-strength steel and are designed to withstand heavy loads and high temperatures.
This makes chain conveyors an ideal choice for transporting abrasive or heavy materials, as well as materials that require high-temperature handling. The throughput capacity of this system is capable of transporting dry food products up to 36,287 kg/h.
There are two options of chains that can be utilized in chain disc conveyors – roller chain and link chain. The link chain has the ability to function as a universal joint during the movement of the product in the tube, allowing a single conveyor to alter directions in multiple planes.
In contrast, a roller chain is constructed from linked plates and fastened together with pins and bushings, permitting movement in one direction only. The typical material for both types of chains is type 316 stainless steel due to its resistance to corrosion and acid, though carbon steel is also available.
Cablevey Disc Conveyors
Cable conveyors, on the other hand, use a high-strength cable to drag the material through the conveyor.
Most tubular drag conveyors use wire strand core cable (composed of type 316 stainless steel), which is commonly utilized in aircraft control functions, due to its high-tensile strength that prevents it from breaking under normal conditions.
Such cable is often used in applications where cleanliness is essential, such as food processing or pharmaceutical production.
Cable conveyors are also highly versatile and can handle a wide range of materials, from fine powders to large pellets. They can transport a capacity of up to 36,200 kg per hour, moving at low speeds similar to chain conveyors and it greatly minimizes product degradation.
Five Major Differences Between Chain and Cablevey Disc Conveyors
Although both conveyors operate using similar principles, there are several key differences between them. Let’s explore them:
1. Decreased System Downtime
Cablevey disc conveyors offer several advantages over Chain disc conveyors, the most significant being their reduced system downtime. Chain systems require frequent maintenance, particularly in relation to chain tension adjustment and sprocket replacement.
Any misalignment or wear and tear can result in the chain jumping off the sprocket or breaking, leading to extensive downtime and expensive repairs.
In contrast, cablevey systems are less prone to failure due to their more flexible and durable design, requiring less maintenance. The majority of tubular cable drag conveyors use wire strand core (WSC), also known as aircraft cable, consisting of type 316 stainless steel wire cores surrounded by stainless steel stranded ropes.
Although there may be wear and tear on the wires and strands due to friction, this compensates for minor failures in the short term.
Due to their simpler yet durable design, cablevey disc conveyors have fewer moving parts compared to Chain systems, reducing the number of components that can fail or require replacement. This simplicity makes cablevey systems easier to install and integrate into existing production lines, leading to lower downtime and maintenance costs.
2. Layout Challenges
Both chain and cablevey drag conveyors are popular choices for conveying materials in a wide range of industries, from food processing to pharmaceuticals.
However, several layout challenges can arise during the installation process, especially when dealing with older facilities or smaller plants with lower ceilings.
One of the main challenges with installing chain drag conveyors is their size and weight. These conveyors require a significant amount of space and support, which can be difficult to accommodate in smaller or older plants.
Additionally, chain conveyors can be more challenging to integrate into existing product lines, as they may require modifications to the layout or infrastructure of the facility.
This is because, unlike cable drag conveyors that are flexible and can be easily routed around obstacles, chain drag conveyors require a more straightforward path with fewer turns.
This means that their layout may be limited to a more linear or L-shaped configuration, which can be challenging for facilities with complex layouts or limited space.
In contrast, cablevey drag conveyors offer a more streamlined and flexible solution that is easier to integrate into any facility.
Cablevey conveyors are lightweight and require minimal support, and their low profile design makes them a great option for plants with lower ceilings or limited space. Furthermore, cablevey conveyors can be customized to fit existing layouts, so there is no need for costly infrastructure modifications.
Overall, cablevey drag conveyors offer a more efficient and cost-effective solution for conveying materials in a wide range of facilities.
3. Material Breakage
In food processing applications, maintaining the quality and integrity of the product is crucial. One factor that can significantly impact product quality is material breakage during conveying.
Cablevey disc conveyors use a flexible stainless-steel cable with solid circular discs attached to it, providing a gentle and smooth movement of the product through the tube. This flexibility allows for seamless integration with various food production processes, from raw material reception to weighing, filling, grinding, and packaging.
Unlike chain systems, the cablevey system’s design reduces friction and abrasion, preventing damage or breakage to the product during conveying.
Chain systems, on the other hand, use a chain with solid circular discs attached to it. The friction and abrasion caused by this design can damage or break the product during conveying.
This makes chain systems a less-than-ideal solution for applications where food components are prone to damage, contamination is a concern, or dust accumulation is a problem, such as filling and packaging operations.
By reducing material breakage and damage, cablevey disc conveyors can help maintain the quality and appearance of the product, increasing customer satisfaction and reducing waste.
Cablevey’s system is also more hygienic, reducing the risk of contamination and ensuring product safety.
4. Sanitation and Food Safety
As previously mentioned, Cablevey’s system is superior to Chain disc conveyors in terms of hygiene, as it effectively minimizes the risk of contamination and ensures the safety of the conveyed products. But how does it achieve this? First, we need to explain why food safety is so important.
The Significance of Sanitation
Maintaining food safety is critical in the food processing industry, as it can have severe consequences for public health and the reputation of businesses.
If food particles become trapped during the manufacturing process, it can lead to numerous health and business risks, such as bacterial growth, food spoilage, food poisoning, non-compliance with regulatory standards, product recalls, and damage to a company’s image.
To avoid these hazards, food processing facilities must take necessary steps to prevent trapped food particles.
The United States has various regulatory bodies responsible for ensuring food safety, including the FDA, USDA, and OSHA. The FDA oversees food supply safety, while the USDA regulates the safety of meat, poultry, and egg products, and OSHA aims to protect food processing facility workers’ safety and health.
Regulatory institutions have established several guidelines that food manufacturers must comply with to ensure food safety. For example, the FDA’s Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) emphasizes preventing foodborne illnesses by focusing on prevention rather than responding to contamination.
By following regulatory guidelines, food processing facilities can maintain high levels of food safety, reducing contamination risks and protecting consumers’ safety.
How Chain and Cable Conveyor Systems Ensure Food Safety?
Now that we’ve discussed the significance of maintaining sanitary conditions during the conveying process and the role of US regulatory bodies in overseeing food safety, let’s explore how chain and cablevey conveyors guarantee the hygiene and safety of their products.
Although both chain and cablevey disc conveyors are designed to meet sanitation standards set by the FDA, there are some differences between the two in terms of their ability to prevent contamination and facilitate cleaning.
Chain systems have a polished stainless steel conveyor link or roller chain that is acid and corrosion-resistant. While the chains are designed to be easy to clean, cleaning the entire chain can be challenging since it is immersed in the food being conveyed.
The roller chains have plates, pins, and bushings that can trap food particles, and water can get trapped in these spaces, providing a breeding ground for bacteria. To avoid this, cleaning mechanisms such as brush boxes, chain knockers, and wet clean-in-place (CIP) systems are available to minimize the accumulation of food particles.
Cablevey systems, on the other hand, use a stainless steel cable with solid circular discs attached to it. The cable is entirely uniform and smooth throughout its entire route within the tube, minimizing the possibility of trapping food residue.
The stainless steel cable used in cablevey systems is entirely nylon-sealed, ensuring that no debris accumulates within the strands of the cable. Cablevey systems also offer more cleaning options, including brush boxes, urethane wipers, air knives, inline sponges, inline bristle brushes, and multi-step CIP (self-cleaning) wet cleaning.
5. Power Consumption
One significant advantage of cable conveyors over chain conveyors is their superior energy efficiency.
The weight of chains used in chain conveyors makes them heavier and requires more energy to operate than cable systems. In fact, chain conveyors often require larger motors and more power than their cable counterparts.
This not only adds to the initial cost of the system but also increases ongoing expenses, including higher energy bills and maintenance costs.
In contrast, cable drag conveyors require less energy to operate, resulting in lower energy bills and reduced maintenance costs over time.
Furthermore, the use of cable conveyors also supports environmental sustainability as they consume less energy and, therefore, have a smaller carbon footprint.
So, when choosing a conveyor system, it’s important to consider not just the initial cost, but also the ongoing expenses like power bills, maintenance costs, and compliance with safety regulations.
In this regard, cable drag conveyors emerge as a better option, providing energy efficiency, lower costs, and sustainability.
In conclusion, selecting the best conveyor system for moving bulk materials depends on specific business needs. Chain and cablevey disc conveyors are two popular options with their own advantages and disadvantages.
While chain conveyors are ideal for heavy, abrasive materials, cable conveyors are perfect for materials that require high cleanliness, as well as being more flexible and easier to integrate into existing production lines.
The significant differences between these two conveyor systems are system downtime and power consumption.
Chain systems require more maintenance, which leads to expensive repairs and higher downtime, while cablevey systems are less prone to failure, reducing downtime and maintenance costs. Cablevey drag conveyors also consume less power which cannot be said for their chain counterparts.
By understanding these differences, businesses can make informed decisions and select the best conveyor system for their operation.
If you are looking for the next conveyor for your food processing facilities, you may want to consider tubular cable and disc systems. Contact us at Cablevey to learn more about how we can help you choose the best type of tubular conveyor system for your plant.