High-Performance ?-BBO Nonlinear Optical Crystal
Featured Product from CASTECH, Inc.

β-BBO (Beta-Barium Borate) Nonlinear Optical Crystal
Superior Nonlinear Optical Performance
- High SHG efficiency, ~6x that of KDP crystals
- Wide phase matching range (409.6 - 3500 nm)
- Broad transmission window from 190 - 3500 nm
Advanced Features for Laser Applications
- Optimized for SHG, FOHG, OPO, and ultrafast pulsed lasers
- Exceptional optical uniformity with δn ≈ 10??/cm
- High damage threshold under intense laser exposure
Versatile Industrial Use Cases
- Frequency conversion in Nd:YAG lasers
- Tunable laser sources with UV output for Dye or Ti:Sapphire lasers
- Effective generation of OPO and OPA tunable radiation
CASTECH's Expertise & Services
- Premium quality production with stringent quality controls
- Wide selection customization (0.005mm to 25mm length)
- AR coating and installation options available
- Fast delivery services (polished within 15 days, AR coating within 20 days)
How It Helps You Work Better:
With β-BBO, engineers and scientists can access unmatched nonlinear optical performance for their laser systems. Its versatility ensures it supports various applications like high-efficiency frequency conversion, laser tuning, and optical signal generation. Designed with precision, β-BBO empowers industries to push the boundaries of laser technology while maintaining stability and high reliability under extreme conditions.
For detailed specifications and additional product information, visit: CASTECH Official Website