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Analog Signal Conditioning - Buy vs. Build

Featured Product from Dataforth Corporation

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We created a "Top 10" listing of reasons why you should buy analog signal conditioners instead of building them into your next application.

Although there are a few of these Top 10 reasons specific to Dataforth's products and documentation benefits, most of the reasons came directly from our customers. They stated how important the ease of application is with purchased signal conditioners. As well as the importance of flexibility, serviceability and the ability to scale (add or remove) channels

Then they state that purchased signal conditioners provide a lot more than simply amplification (or attenuation) of the input signal. Check Top 10 item number 5 which summarizes eight functions designed into Dataforth's signal conditioners.

Please don't overlook the importance of solid signal conditioning in your next project. Let Dataforth apply its analog expertise and products to your next application.