Accurate Vehicle Filling for Solids - Case Study
Featured Product from Eastern Instruments

A customer needed to accurately measure the mass flow rate and total weight of shelled corn being unloaded from silos into trucks.
- Due to existing space constraints in height, the mass flow meter needed to be compact.
- The meter also needed to be reliable and durable since it was being installed outdoors.
- Due to the abrasive nature of corn, the flow surfaces needed to be resistant to wear.
- The flow meter needed to have a local display indicating flow rate and the total weight being loaded into the truck.
- COMPACT DESIGN: The standard meter is under 36 in in height.
- RELIABLE AND DURABLE: Available in NEMA 4 and NEMA 4X models.
- WEAR RESISTANCE: The meter was configured with ceramic tile wear surfaces to improve wear resistance.
- DIGITAL ELECTRONICS: The digital electronics that comes standard with every CentriFlow Meter features a color, touchscreen HMI that displays both flow rate and total, directly on the main run screen.
Due to the CentriFlow Meter's ease of calibration, it was calibrated and commissioned within hours after installation and the customer was immediately pleased with its performance. The unit performed reliably and well within the stated accuracy of +/-0.25%. Since installation the customer has not seen any noticeable wear of the CentriFlow's wear surfaces. The use of the CentriFlow Meter has allowed trucks to be filled to their maximum level before approaching the truck scales, thus eliminating any wasted storage space (shipping of empty railcars), or having railcars sent back to get product removed from them.