AGV and AMR Traction Control System Motor
Featured Product from ElectroCraft

'The MPW is an application-specific extension to the ElectroCraft MobilePower™ gearmotor product offering,' notes Scott Rohlfs, Director of Product Marketing. 'The MPW adds to the breadth of product capability from the MobilePower™ gearmotor line to include industrial-grade traction systems for automated guided vehicles (AGV) and a wide range of autonomous mobile robots (AMR).'
The MPW is one of the most powerful compact wheel drives ever created. It builds not only on the ElectroCraft gearmotor knowledge base, but leverages the high-torque-density that ElectroCraft provides with the RPX Series and other Brushless DC motor product lines:
- MPW52 motor/hub/wheel total length = 92mm?*150 lbs. load per wheel and 4.0 N-m continuous torque
- MPW86 motor/hub/wheel total length = 130mm?*500 lbs. load per wheel and 20.0 N-m continuous torque
- Wheel diameters from 4" to 8"
- Wheel speeds from 4 to 14 MPH
The MPW joins a MobilePower™ product family that has more than one million gearmotors in service Worldwide. The ElectroCraft motion control team is World leading in the design and manufacturing of customized gearmotors and wheel-drive solutions. Renowned for their smooth, controlled power delivery with high starting torque, ElectroCraft gearmotors provide excellent rough-terrain and curb-climbing performance. Available in a wide range of motor and gearing options, from configurable to fully-customizable, ElectroCraft has a solution to satisfy your specific application requirements.