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Replicating Human Breath with Gas Humidifiers

Featured Product from Environics, Inc.

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Replicating Human Breath with Gas Humidifiers
What is a Gas Humidifier?
A gas humidifier is an instrument for artificially warming and humidifying respiratory gas for mechanically ventilated patients. When natural respiratory humidification decreases pulmonic infections and damage to lung tissue may occur.

Natural Gas Humidifiers in the Human Body
In a healthy human, 75% of respiratory gas conditioning occurs in the upper respiratory tract and the remaining 25% are taken over by the trachea. The upper respiratory tract humidifies, warms and cleanses 1,000 to 21,000 liters of respiratory gas every day in accordance with body size.

The warming of breathed-in air is directly impacted by many small blood vessels, with blood flow being regulated by nerve impulses. When cold air is being breathed in, more blood is supplied.

Mucous membranes inside the nose and mouth release moisture to gas as it is breathed in, this results in a healthy adult evaporating between 200 to 300 ml of water per day. When travelling to the lower respiratory tract, the respiratory gas, which has already been humidified in the nasopharynx, is conditioned further until the isothermal saturation limit is reached. Isothermal saturation limit refers to the maximum possible humidity at a specific temperature, which amounts to 100% relative humidity and 44 mg absolute humidity at 37°C. That equilibrium is reached during nasal breathing in a healthy person at the bifurcation of the trachea. This means only water vapor-satiated and body-warm air reaches the alveoli.

Gas humidifiers are used during mechanical ventilation as natural respiratory gas conditioning can be significantly impacted. In non-invasive respiratory treatment such as oxygen masks, a continuous positive flow is administered. This can cause upper respiratory tracts to dry out and result in blockages of air passages and congestion. Gas humidifiers can help avoid this by ensuring that the gas is well saturated and warm.

When invasive respiration is necessary, such as via intubation or tracheotomy, upper respiratory tracts are bypassed and thus do not exercise their usual function. The trachea is unable to offer the required humidifying, warming and clearing alone. This is why gas humidifiers are critical for treating the gas prior to it entering the human body.

Gas Humidifiers from Environics
Water-to-gas humidifiers from Environics are made using Nafion™ tubing. These devices work by allowing water vapor to cross the Nafion membrane to gain an equilibrium of the partial pressure of water vapor on both sides of the membrane.  As the humidity levels on either side of its membrane vary, the incoming dry gas stream is humidified as it flows over the tubing as the water moves through in the opposite direction. 

At Environics, the humidification option can be incorporated in one of our gas mixing/dilution systems to humidify a gas blend. Alternatively, it can be bought as a stand-alone system to humidify a connected gas source.  Units can be tailored to a fixed RH level or adjustable between 0 – 95% (with the maximum depending on the total flow rate).  The humidifier is factory calibrated for a specified RH level to an accuracy of 5% (assuming a constant flow rate and gas temperature), and is NIST traceable.

You can read more about our gas humidifiers here ,  alternatively contact us today for more information.

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Environics is a world leader in computerized gas flow instrumentation. Our headquarters for design, manufacturing, sales and service is located in a modern 11,000 square foot facility in Tolland, Connecticut. We are ISO 9001 certified, having received ISO 9001 Quality Systems Certification in April, 1997.

As of April 2011, we are a Women Owned business, certified through the Woman Owned Small Business Program run by the United States SBA. Environics was awarded the 2020 Family Business of the Year by the CT District SBA based on our growth over the past 15 years.

We encourage you to challenge us with your most difficult requirements. We specialize in custom systems. We have thousands of systems in the field and have developed an extensive library of applications and solutions to meet our customers' needs. The application of our technology has enabled us to become the world leader in user-friendly computerized gas flow instrumentation.

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