SmCo Magnets up to 32MGOe
Featured Product from Essen Magnetics Pty Ltd

Essen Magnetics Pty Ltd offers high-performance SmCo magnets with energy products up to 32MGOe. Ideal for demanding environments, SmCo magnets excel in high-temperature applications, withstanding up to 350°C. Their inherent corrosion resistance eliminates the need for additional coatings. Explore reliable performance and durability for your critical applications with Essen Magnetics.
Key Features:
- High magnetic energy product up to 32MGOe
- Operating temperature up to 350°C
- Superior corrosion resistance, no coating required
- Ideal for high-performance and high-temperature applications
- Aerospace and Defense
- Motors and Generators
- Sensors and Instrumentation
For more information or to request a quote, visit Essen Magnetics
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