5 Reasons to Switch to OmniScan X3 Flaw Detector
Featured Product from Evident Scientific

Introducing the Latest Member of the OmniScan™ Family
Confidence you can see. That’s the phrase we use to describe the new OmniScan X3 flaw detector. What does it mean? It’s our way of saying that the power of this OmniScan to help you feel confident that you’ve made the right call comes from what you can see on the screen. On top of its high-quality, highly detailed imaging, the OmniScan X3 flaw detector is packed full of innovative simulation and visualization tools that enable you to verify and validate your inspection on the spot. It’s not just an upgrade from the MX2—it’s a complete phased array toolbox. There has never been a worse time to be a defect thanks to the instrument’s advanced imaging and analysis capabilities.
Learn the 5 reasons to switch to the OmniScan X3 Flaw Detector.