Save Time/Energy Screening Welds w/Merged B-Scan

Featured Product from Evident Scientific

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If you’ve ever wondered whether there’s a more efficient way to perform weld screening than simply scrolling through B-scans, you’ll want to hear about our solution. With the MXU 5.13 software update, we introduced an innovative B-scan view for the OmniScan™ X3 series that has the potential to revolutionize this time- and attention-consuming technique. Used as a validation tool, it can give you more confidence in your assessments and help ease the whole B-scan screening process.

We call it the merged B-scan, and here’s why:

  1. The software takes the cross-sectional B-scan slices you’re used to seeing and effectually superimposes them.
  2. Then all the B-scans are presented on the OmniScan X3 display in one easy-to-interpret view.

Learn how the merged B-scan works and its advantages.