Bearings for use in Industrial air compressors

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Eco-friendlyEngineered Solutions for ReliableThermal Management Compressors

RELIABILITY For Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Compressors
The pressure is on to design compressors and compressor components that are targeted to meet customer’s increasing higher speed and higher load needs and COP (co-efficient of performance) improvements. But when these challenges are met, new ones are bound to arise—from performance stability through product lifespan, of course, the longer service life, the better.
GGB already can offer a great series of products in compressors. Nowadays GGB also offer different tribological solutions which may be regardless of geometry and material, may be new replacement of traditional compressor components - providing compressor applications access to multiple product lines & technologies to find right price/performance solution.

Solutions ideal for:

  • Scroll compressors
  • Rotary compressors
  • Piston compressors
  • Hermetic and semi-hermetic reciprocating compressors
  • Air – conditioning
  • Refrigeration
  • Heat pump


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GGB is the global leader in tribological solutions specifically designed to meet and exceed individual customer needs. Through our global production platform and supply network, we offer the industry’s most extensive portfolio of self-lubricating and pre-lubricated plain bearings for numerous applications in a variety of industries.

GGB supplies the automotive industry, pump, and compressor manufacturers, off-highway equipment, recreational products, renewable energy installations, primary metals production and general industrial applications. We maintain more than 20,000 individual part numbers incorporating different bearing materials, configurations and dimensions, including cylindrical and flanged bushings, thrust washers, flat strip and parts manufactured to customers’ specifications. We also offer an excellent selection of high-precision alloy bushing blocks and specialized housings and assemblies.

The GGB Advantage
GGB has 10 production facilities in the U.S., Germany, France, Brazil, Slovakia and China, over 1,000 employees and a global distribution network serving more than 50,000 customers worldwide.