1455 Series Extruded Aluminum Enclosures
Featured Product from Hammond Manufacturing Company Inc.
1455 series enclosures are ideal housings for printed circuit boards, with internal mounting slots and removable end panels. Many models including a sliding plate which makes accessing the components inside even easier.
Extruded aluminum housings are available in a variety of anodized finish colors, including clear (silver), black, red, and blue. Versions are available with single-piece plastic end bezels or flat aluminum end panels with open plastic bezels, and flanged end panel kits are also available.
For a distinct look, mix and match! Hammond stocks multiple colors of plastic bezels (black, solid red, yellow, translucent red, and translucent blue) as well as replacement aluminum end panels for all 4 anodize colors.
Self-tapping end panel installation screws are provided with each unit.