Pulley Torque Transducer - S. Himmelstein
Featured Product from S. Himmelstein & Company

MCRT® 3120TA & 31200T pulley torque transducers are used to measure and control the torque, speed and power of belt and chain driven machinery. Applications include compressors, pumps, fans, blowers, conveyors, gear boxes, etc.
They are available in six full scale ranges from 50 lbf-in to 1,500 lbf-in, with 250% overload capacity (200% for the 1,500 lbf-in range). Noise free rotary transformers provide non-contact coupling to the stator. The strain gages and torsion element are fatigue rated. All versions are hardened to noise from adjustable speed drives.
S. Himmelstein and Company has been offering innovative torque measurement solutions since 1960, manufacturing a full line of shaft, spline, flange, pulley, wheel, and reaction torquemeters., and other torque measuring instruments. For more information, call 1-800-632-7873 or 1-847-843-3300.