Consarc Vacuum Cap Furnaces (VCAP)
Featured Product from Inductotherm Group
Some typical processes that can be performed in the VCAP range include:
• Air melting from solid charge (option for vacuum melting)
• Controlled atmosphere melting from solid charge
• Alloy homogenization and chemistry adjustment
• Vacuum degassing (hydrogen and nitrogen removal)
• Reduction of low vapor pressure tramp elements (e.g. Pb, Cd, Bi, Zn)
• Deoxidation using combination of vacuum and C-O reaction
• Decarburization - Intensified C-O reaction at low pressure enabling excellent decarburization for extra low carbon levels.
• Desulphurization
• Argon purging of metal with pourous plug
Some of the more important customer product advantages from VCAP operation are:
• Generally significant improvement of mechanical properties, such as yield strength, ductility, impact strength, fatigue and stress rupture elevated temperature properties.
• Improvement of technological characteristics, such as hot workability, weldability and machinability.
• Better microcleanliness due to strong carbon deoxidation and smaller residual inclusions.
• Significantly reduce scatter in product properties and characteristics, less rejections.