InductoForge Induction Forge Heaters
Featured Product from Inductotherm Group
The flexible modular design results in a much finer and more accurate control of the billet temperature.
The heavy-duty, single size forging coil consists of cast end boards, copper windings and long-life removable liner for heating a wide range of billet diameters and shapes.
The IHAZTM Temperature Profile Modeling computer program enables advanced temperature control of the billet heating process. IHAZTM allows you to customize a billet temperature profile (Induction Heat Affected Zone) to best suit your billet or bar heating application.
Features & Benefits:
• Optimized utility costs
• Replacement coil liners
• Highest possible efficiency
• Quick release water connections
• Compact, heavy-duty modular design
• Infinitely variable in-feed drive speed
• Reduced downtime & maintenance costs
Material Handling Equipment:
• Accept / Reject systems
• Dual-coil shuttle system
• Bin tippers / Bowl feeders / Step feeders
• Twin chain tractor in-feed drives