Inductotherm Slab, Bloom & Transfer Bar Heaters
Featured Product from Inductotherm Group
Slab Reheating:
Inductotherm reheating systems are designed to reduce fuel consumption by taking over the slab heating process at the point in the thermal curve where gas-fired furnaces rapidly lose efficiency.
That’s because, unlike gas, induction heating systems maintain their high efficiency throughout their operating range.
Metals such as titanium, which are susceptible to oxidation and scale formation if heated above certain temperatures can be accurately heated using induction heating. Thus increasing yield and reducing associated steps such as pickling.
Bar, Bloom & Billet Heaters:
These heaters use high-efficiency, solid-state Inductotherm power units to supply the electrical energy to the induction heating coil sets.
Standard units are available in frequencies between 60 Hz and 6000 Hz.