50 Watt Directional Coupler - 375 MHz to 6 GHz
Featured Product from JFW Industries, Inc.
Model 50C-064-XX is a wideband 50 Ohm directional coupler operating 375 MHz to 6 GHz. This directional coupler can handle 50 Watts of RF input power. It has 50 Ohm SMA female connectors and is available with 10dB, 20dB or 30dB coupling values.
Available Model Numbers:
- 50C-064-10 SMA (10 dB directional coupler, SMA, 375-6000 MHz)
- 50C-064-20 SMA (20 dB directional coupler, SMA, 375-6000 MHz)
- 50C-064-30 SMA (30 dB directional coupler, SMA, 375-6000 MHz)
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