Autonomous vehicle technology
Featured Product from MINTEQ® International Inc, Pyrogenics Group
Thermal Management Solution for State-of-the-Art Electronics
With heat issues limiting power device performance and growth, we have developed a derivative of our material branded as Pyroid® HT Pyrolytic Graphite material that offers heat spreaders and sink thermal conductivity up to 4 times (1700 W/m°K) that of copper at only a quarter of the weight. This “ diamond like” conduction without the “diamond” price tag makes our material ideal for pulling heat out normal to a heat producing device as well as spreading it away. This dual action eliminates the need for special "hot spot" thermal vias.
With our ability to provide very thin metallized coatings, we offer the opportunity for direct device solder attachment which provides the maximum thermal transfer.
Heat is the enemy of electronic circuits and devices. It limits performance and leads to premature failure. We are introducing a new weapon in the ongoing battle against thermal problems. Discover how the heat spreading ability of a new material solution — Pyroid® HT®... cuts size, weight, and cost from electronics packaging.
- Discover a thermal management material solution that provides thermal conduction without the "diamond" price
- Understand why Pyroid® HT material solutions are ideal for high-volume production and provide economic value at the device assembly level
- Learn how to optimize heat sinks and spreaders with the Pyroid® HT software modeling tool
The Pyrogenics Group is a global supplier, fully certified to AS-9100/ ISO 9001, providing high performing, thermal management material solution that is 4X the thermal conduction of copper at quarter of the weight. Our CVD products are used in critical applications for all industries including semiconductor & electronic components, automotive, computer, sensor, medical imaging, aerospace defense to name a few.
About Minteq
Minteq, the premier supplier of engineered refractory lining systems, manufactures monolithic refractories for the iron, steel, non-ferrous metals, minerals processing and glass markets. Combined with our application systems and measurement innovations, Minteq products and systems help manufacturers increase productivity and lower overall costs. Minteq offers comprehensive, customized, and integrated refractory systems that include superior monolithic products, proprietary application equipment, patented laser measurement devices, and the extensive experience and expertise of our service teams.
Minteq refractory materials, systems and technologies lead the industry because of our significant commitment to research and development. The resulting innovations are the keys to our success and to our customers' success. We provide turnkey solutions to help you increase productivity enhance yields, reduce downtime, and lower overall costs.
Minteq has the expertise to design, install and maintain a customized solution for your unique challenge. We welcome the opportunity to consult with you and uncover methods for improving your productivity, creating value, and lowering overall costs to enhance your competitiveness in the global marketplace