Minteq Pyrogenics Group on ION Implantation.

Featured Product from MINTEQ® International Inc, Pyrogenics Group

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What sets Pyroid® SN-PG apart from the competition in the industry?
High purity > 99.999% = Low erosion rates, longer life
The density of Pyroid® SN-PG is 2.23 g/cm3 which is greater than any known graphite due to its single crystal structure. This means that there is no porosity due to ash contamination in the material that degrades the structure.

This porosity is found in even purified isostatically pressed, fine-grained graphite material.
High in-plane thermal conductivity ensures even temperature distribution

Stability at high temperature and vacuums
Extreme resistance to thermal shock
Temperature tolerance from cryogenic to > 2000° C

Minerals Technologies' Pyrogenics' Group has experience manufacturing components for semi-conductor applications, including:

  • Ion Implantation Grids
  • Wafer Trays
  • Electrodes for Plasma Etch
  • Boats
  • Crucibles
  • Susceptors
  • Brazing and glass-to-metal sealing jigs


About Minteq
Minteq, the premier supplier of engineered refractory lining systems, manufactures monolithic refractories for the iron, steel, non-ferrous metals, minerals processing and glass markets. Combined with our application systems and measurement innovations, Minteq products and systems help manufacturers increase productivity and lower overall costs. Minteq offers comprehensive, customized, and integrated refractory systems that include superior monolithic products, proprietary application equipment, patented laser measurement devices, and the extensive experience and expertise of our service teams.

Minteq refractory materials, systems and technologies lead the industry because of our significant commitment to research and development. The resulting innovations are the keys to our success and to our customers' success. We provide turnkey solutions to help you increase productivity enhance yields, reduce downtime, and lower overall costs.

Minteq has the expertise to design, install and maintain a customized solution for your unique challenge. We welcome the opportunity to consult with you and uncover methods for improving your productivity, creating value, and lowering overall costs to enhance your competitiveness in the global marketplace