Nuclear Outage Equipment Hatch [OEH]
Service Detail from Mechanical Research & Design, Inc.
![Nuclear Outage Equipment Hatch [OEH] -Image](/npapics/92/100838_092820238108_ExhibitPic.jpg)
Mechanical Research & Design, Inc. is an industry leader in the supply of temporary to permanent Outage Equipment Hatches [OEH] to supply quick and easy to install isolation barriers into the entrance tube of missile walls during outages in the event of reactor boiling. We have several custom designs, including: semi-permanent (can be removed with hand tools if needed) enclosures that fit between permanent hatches and missile doors, temporary barriers that can be installed by fork-lift during the outage if needed, customized drive through doors to aid in re-fueling and large pump replacement during outages, and other more permanent barriers that remain installed between outages. These nuclear isolation barrier products can also be used for general radioactive containment, fuel storage pools & channels, air lock service, and more!