Portable, Handheld Reverse Osmosis TDS Meters
Featured Product from Myron L Company
This compact instrument has been designed specifically to demonstrate and test POU reverse osmosis or distillation systems. By measuring electrical conductivity, it will quickly determine the parts per million/Total Dissolved Solids (ppm/TDS) of any drinking water. With a single "before and after" test, this handy device effectively demonstrates how your RO or distillation system eliminates harmful dissolved solids. It will also service test systems, including membrane evaluation programs.
Automatic Temperature Compensation - Why It's Important
Conductivity readings change with temperature; TDS does not change. Some instruments ignore the importance of temperature. Others require a separate thermometer for testing sample temperature, then manual adjustment of the instrument. All Myron L RO meters, however, feature fast and precise Automatic Temperature Compensation. The result: a more accurate, useful instrument.
The Myron L RO-1 Meter is easy to use and requires no special training. Simply pour the sample into the permanent cell cup and press the rubber-protected button. ppm/TDS is immediately indicated on the color-coded scale (models without the color band dial are also available). No temperature adjustments are ever required!
These instruments are engineered for maximum accuracy and reliability. Precision readings are indicated on the 50-division scale with repeatability to ± 1%. Each instrument is individually tested, inspected and calibrated at the Myron L factory to ensure accuracy and long life. All three models are supplied with a standard 9 volt battery that will last over 2,000 readings, or approximately 1 year.
For more info visit: http://www.myronl.com/products/rometer.htm