Is Your Filtration System Enough Protection?
Featured Product from O'Keefe Controls Co.
To ensure protection of orifices and other critical components from occasional particles that can enter the fluid, O’Keefe Controls Co. provides a variety of bound and unbound fine stainless steel wire screens. These can be integrated directly into a component or system, as another level of protection.
These accurate, high-quality screens are available in four sizes of screen particle retention: 10, 15, 25 and 100 microns. They are thoroughly cleaned to prevent inadvertent introduction of contaminants, and do not introduce loose particles into the fluid stream.
Offered in a number of OD sizes, OEMs specify these screens with confidence for protection in custom manifolds, protection of valves and actuators, and protection of gas and liquid flow instruments — to name just a few applications.
Click here to find out more — and to view our Mini SS Screens Product Catalog.