Help in Creating Managed Traffic Lanes

Featured Product from Pexco

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High-performance Channelizer Posts

The use of flexible posts – also known as channelizer posts, delineators, pylons, and bollards – for traffic lane separation in HOV / HOT / Express / Managed Lanes provides multiple benefits to roadway owners and managers.

Benefits Include:

  • Adds a physical separation to reduce toll avoidance
  • Minimizes dangerous and illegal lane changes
  • Requires no right of way for typical installations
  • Provides access for emergency vehicles
  • Features simple and low-cost installation
  • Allows for easy adjustment of access points after installation

Pexco offers five unique and highly durable posts for this application. All five of our high-performance traffic lane posts and dividers for HOV / HOT and express lanes have been extensively tested by the Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI); video and reports available upon request