Railway Wheel Profile Gauge

Featured Product from RIFTEK EUROPE Sp. z.o.o.

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The laser profilometer is employed for measuring geometrical parameters of the rail wheel flange (thickness, slope, height), rim/tire thickness and for taking full profile of the wheel roll surface.

The device is supplied with database and software package for wheel sets wear data storage and processing/

IKP-5 Series

Measurement ranges, mm: 
flange height 20...45
flange thickness 20...50
flange slope 1….15
rim thickness 36…100
Measurement error, mm: 
flange height ± 0,05
flange thickness ± 0,05
flange slope ± 0,1
rim thickness ± 0,1
average measurement time, s:  4

IKP-5-short Series for tramway wheels

Measurement ranges, mm: 
flange height 20...45
flange thickness 20...50
flange slope 1….15
rim thickness 22…52
Measurement error, mm: 
flange height ± 0,05
flange thickness ± 0,05
flange slope ± 0,1
rim thickness ± 0,1
average measurement time, s:  4

IKP-5-Super-short Series for tramway wheels

Measurement ranges, mm: 
flange height 20...45
flange thickness 20...50
flange slope 1….15
Measurement error, mm: 
flange height ± 0,05
flange thickness ± 0,05
flange slope ± 0,1
average measurement time, s:  4