Wheel Diameter Measuring Gauge
Featured Product from RIFTEK EUROPE Sp. z.o.o.
Measurements are made directly on rolling stock without wheel set roll-out.
The measurement of the diameter is performed according to the "three points" technique, without the complete wheel coverage. The gauge contains numeric display to show the value of the wheel diameter. IDK-BT gauge contains Bluetooth interface for transfer results into wheel-set wear database management system.
IDK Series
Measurement range, mm: 400…1400 or on request
Measurement error, mm: ±0.2
Bluetooth: no
IDK-BT Series
Measurement range, mm: 400…1400 or on request
Measurement error, mm: ±0.2
Bluetooth: yes
IDK-compact Series
Distance between axes of ball bearings (base), mm: 122
Measurement range, mm: 400…750
Measurement error, mm: ±0.2
Bluetooth: no