Empower RF Counter-UAS RF Power Amplifiers

Featured Product from Richardson RFPD

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Empower RF is highly experienced in the design and development of high power amplifier modules and systems for C-UAS and EW.

UAS represent a rapidly growing, low-cost, high-reward surveillance and attack threat to military and civilian personnel and infrastructure. Countering UAS (C-UAS) consists of three subsystems: detecting, identifying, and defeating the UAS drone threat. Defeating the drone(s) requires either a kinetic response, directed energy response or an electromagnetic response.

Empower RF Systems amplifiers are used in the defeat role of drone threats using electromagnetic response:

  • Jamming the communications links between operator and the aircraft
  • Jamming its GPS link
  • Spoofing/take over solution

Empower supplies RF and microwave amplifiers for many deployed C-UAS and C-sUAS systems:

  • Dismounted/Handheld Systems
  • Fixed/Semi-Fixed Systems
  • Mounted/Mobile Systems
Common Commercial Drone Frequencies
Frequency Range Application
420 to 460 MHz UHF Short Range
902 to 928 MHz ISM
2.4 to 2.5 GHz ISM
5.6 to 6.0 GHz ISM
1228 MHz GPS L2
1575 MHz GPS L1
Empower Modules in C-UAS Systems
Module Bandwidth Psat Operating Voltage
1124 20 to 1000 MHz 30 W 28 VDC
1100 20 to 1000 MHz 80 W 28 VDC
1211 500 to 2500 MHz 100 W 48 VDC
1208 500 to 2700 MHz 120 W 28 VDC
1219 500 to 6000 MHz 25 W 48 VDC
1212 2000 to 6000 MHz 50 W 28 VDC
1197 2000 to 6000 MHz 50 W 48 VDC