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New SITRANS LT500 HydroRanger Level Controller

Featured Product from Siemens Process Instrumentation

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The Sitrans LT500 HydroRanger level, flow, and pump controllers for radar and ultrasonic transmitters or any other two-wire 4-20 mA devices. From basic level control to complex pumping routines, these instruments deliver the accuracy and reliability demanded by a variety of applications. Complete with up to 2 measuring points, 6 control or alarm relays, 2 discrete inputs, 3 analog outputs, and communications options, Sitrans LT500 HydroRanger is an attractive option for your controller applications.

Ensuring environmental compliance, the controllers keep operations in line with local legislation, helping companies protect the environment while also keeping accurate records of their process. High-precision flow measurements meet ISO standards and onboard datalogging makes sure data backup is reliable for regulatory compliance.