Direct microwave conversion capabilities-Ka-band
Featured Product from Teledyne e2v Semiconductors
Direct microwave conversion capabilities now made possible deep into the Ka-band
his article discusses the development of a novel Ka-band capable, direct digital sampler – the EV10AS940 from Teledyne e2v. You will discover:
• A device capable of sampling a > 5GHz bandwidth up to 33GHz
• Exceptionally low power of 195 mW/Gsps
o Rated at just 2.5W @ fclk =12.8GHz
• A radical new design approach to achieving high-end performance
• Integration is enhanced by on-chip digital assist technology including a digital down converter (DDC) and multiple numerically
controlled oscillators (NCOs)
• Envisioned applications demand a small form factor, single channel design
If you wish to read more, please click on the following link to download the complete paper here.