ThermOmegaTech’s STVM® Steam & Water Washdown Station incorporates unique Venturi mixing technology to deliver water at the required temperature quickly, quietly, and on-demand. Cold water enters the upper chamber of the mixing valve, while incoming steam enters the lower chamber. Mixing occurs as the two vortices collide, thoroughly mixing and heating the water through a Venturi diffuser with minimal noise and vibration.
Conventional washdown stations, utilizing old spool and diaphragm technology that rely on multiple moving parts are prone to premature failure due to mineral deposits and scaling. The necessary regular maintenance of these units to keep them running safely is very time-consuming and costly. The rugged STVM® Washdown Station is unique in that it has only one moving part, a thermal actuator within the mixing valve cartridge.
The patented mixing design ensures long uninterrupted use even if there is high mineral content in the water. As the opposing vortices of steam and water enter the mixing valve, a scouring action occurs that minimizes the buildup of minerals and scale.
An additional benefit of this design is what you don’t hear: the banging, popping, and crackling noises associated with cavitation that are prevalent in ordinary mixing stations. This smooth quiet operation increases safety and reduces stress on the operator.
Safety is our priority, so every STVM® Washdown Station has two built-in safety features – interlocking ball valves to prevent steam-only operation, and an automatic shut-off when output is 15°F over the unit’s temperature set-point (either 150°F or 185°F) or when cold water flow is interrupted.