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Category: AC Servomotors
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Industrial Indexing Systems Designs and Manufactures Motion Control Components and Systems Specializing in Servo Motion Control. Industrial Indexing servo motors, drives, and motion controllers provide automation system solutions and are used in the most demanding applications, requiring high performance, high quality positioning accuracy, high reliability, and energy efficiency.

IIS automation and motion control solutions are designed to control high speed, multi-axis production machinery.
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Industrial Indexing has experience and expertise with a wide range of motion control systems ideally suited for OEM machines. Fully engineered systems are turnkey solutions, right down to cabinets and panels from our UL-rated shop.
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Industrial Indexing has a primary, enduring goal to bring state-of-the-art servo system products to practical use on the factory floor. Whether it is a complete turnkey system or servo components, IIS's commitment to quality products and personalized support is unsurpassed.

Industrial Indexing Systems is also the exclusive North American Distributor for: TOEI Electric Co., Velconic, LTD Toshiba Machine Co., LTD X Series Servos
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For immediate assistance, call us at 585.924.9181, or email info@iis-servo.com.
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Supplier Directory Categories

AC Motors
(14 Products)
AC Servomotors
(22 Products)
Servo Drives
(10 Products)
Industrial Indexing Systems, Inc. is also listed in these categories:

Technical Articles

Servo-Driven Plastic Bag Making and Converting Machines (Machine and Motion Controllers) A plastic bag and converting machine manufacturing OEM is utilizing high performance servo controls for quick axis indexing, handling large inertial loads and simplifying its HMIs with built-in... (View Full Article)
State-of-the-Art Controls Enable Flexible Pouching (Motor Controls and Drives) Several different types of flexible pouching machines include mail pouches, liquid pouches and small pouches. These all benefit from advanced automation solutions and servo controls for auxiliary... (View Full Article)