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On-Demand Webinar:

System Solutions for the Smart Home Appliance Era

Achieve the highest efficiency levels, smallest form factors and significantly improve appliance carbon footprint with the smartest power designs from Infineon. Infineon components and system solutions will bring more intelligence to your smart and connected home appliances to securely sense, control and connect them.

Date: March 2, 2021
Time: 10 AM EST (7 AM PST / 4:00 PM CET)
Duration: 1 hour
Presented by:


Consumers are spending more time than ever in the kitchen, and their expectations have changed as a result. They want this family common area filled with appliances that are less noisy, more energy efficient, more intuitive, safer, more convenient and more connected than previous devices.

Modern home appliances are increasingly smart and connected, offering a seamless, remote user experience. Users control operations and get live data from the devices, whether it's the contents of the refrigerator, or information on laundry status. In turn, manufacturers are able to analyze the appliance from afar and suggest preventive maintenance to avoid costly repairs.

Infineon is a leading provider of smart and dependable electronics for all kinds of home appliances. Its components and system solutions will bring more intelligence to your home appliance designs, while securely sensing, controlling and connecting them.

Achieve the highest appliance efficiency levels, smallest form factors and improve carbon footprint with the smartest power designs. Benefit from one of the most comprehensive, ready-to-implement, one-stop product and design portfolios on the market to best meet your individual application needs.

Key Takeaways

  • Understand key trends enabling smart and energy-efficient home appliances
  • Gain insight on power solutions for smart home appliances
  • Learn how Infineon's comprehensive product portfolio solves motor control, sensing, connectivity and security challenges
  • Get insights into best-in-class WiFi & Bluetooth connectivity controllers with proven embedded hardware security for the connected home


Alfred Hesener, Technical Marketing for IPM and iMOTION™, Infineon Technologies AG

Alfred Hesener is the head of technical marketing for intelligent power modules (IPM) and iMOTION™ motor control products at Infineon Technologies, with 30 years of experience in power electronics. He joined Infineon seven years ago, after various positions in different semiconductor companies. Hesener holds an master's of science in electrical engineering in semiconductor electronics from Technical University Darmstadt, Germany.

Jens Reinstaedt, Senior Director of Application Management, Infineon Technologies AG

Jens Reinstaedt is responsible for major home appliances (i.e., white goods) at Infineon Technologies. He took on this newly created role in November after five years of heading product marketing for radar sensors.

Declan Starr, Applications Marketing for Smart Home, Infineon Technologies AG

Declan Starr is an applications marketing strategist at Infineon Technologies who has successfully guided innovative leading-edge connected HMI solutions from concept through to mass production within challenging segments such as consumer, industrial and automotive. Having spent over two decades architecting, designing and implementing touch-based UI solutions, Declan understands the complexities and challenges associated with integrating evolving HMI into complex IoT systems. Declan holds a B'Eng in Electronic Engineering from the University of Limerick, Ireland.