Quality, Test & Measurement
Trilion Quality Systems is an optical metrology company specializing in full-field optical measurements for true 3D materials and structures analysis and computer model validation. From microscopic to 100s meters, our cutting-edge systems and services provide non-contact, full field, 3D measurements of shape, deformation and strain, using Digital Image Correlation, Photogrammetry, Thermography, ESPI (laser holography) and Laser Shearography NDT technologies.
ARAMIS, 3D Image Correlation, provides general purpose full-field 3D deformation and strain measurement, including direct computer model interface and comparison. ARAMIS High-Speed analyzes vibration, impact, ballistic, blast, shock (1-300khz). ARAMIS Thermography synchronizes ARAMIS and thermal measurements for microelectronics to engine studies.
PONTOS, 3D Photogrammetry, provides large area deformation and modal analysis from automotive NVH studies to full-scale wing and windmill studies.
ARGUS, is commonly used for automated forming analysis and for operations analysis of stamping, hydroforming, etc.
TRITOP, is an optical coordinate measuring system which is mobile.
No one has the breadth of capability in this field. We specialize in technical and market development of innovative optical inspection systems, providing our customers with application and test method development, inspector training and certification, advanced technology inspection services. Our team has more than 60 years experience solving complex testing applications and delivering cutting edge quality products.
Chat with one of our representatives AND enter for a chance to win a Trilion 4GB Memory Stick. We will be giving away 10 memory sticks during the live day event.