Quality, Test & Measurement
HBM provides state-of-the-art transducers, signal conditioning electronics, load cells, strain gages, data acquisition systems and measurement software for use in automotive, aerospace, shipbuilding, railroad, medical, assembly, and construction applications.
Specializations include torque measurement for powertrain testing, data acquisition for high-speed, laboratory and rugged, mobile DAQ, stress measurement for structure component testing and process control for monitoring joining and assembly processes.
Our flagship products include: MGCplus, QuantumX, eDAQ, eDAQlite, cDAQ, GEN5i, GEN2i, T12, T40, catman, Perception, GlyphXE, GlyphWorks and DesignLife.
Our comprehensive product offering is backed by 60 years of experience and professional measurement services.
Booth Features
- Informative product and application videos, including a video demo of the NEW! Genesis HighSpeed GEN2i touch screen data acquisition system.
- Content library of brochures.
- Diverse assortment of technical application articles.
- Highly technical sales engineers ready to "talk application" with you.
Every Visitor: Free digital copy of our popular book titled, "An Introduction to Measurements using Strain Gages" by Karl Hoffmann (retail $20).
Grand Prize: Chat with one of our sales engineers AND complete our survey for a chance to win an Apple 16GB iPad with Wi-Fi + 3G (retail $629). One lucky winner will be able to page through websites, write email, flick through photos, watch a movie, and access thousands of apps on their very own Multi-Touch screen Apple iPad.
Visit the HBM booth to learn how our products can make your measurement applications successful. Then be sure to follow us on Twitter, like us on Facebook and subscribe to our email newsletters and stay up-to-date on the latest HBM news, promotions and product announcements.