Products/Services for 2 Prong Outlet Ground Testers

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  • Self Help Forums - Older home: 2-wire outlets
    Looks like all of my 2 - prong outlets behave the same way, and I get the same amount of "glow" from the circuit tester when I check the flow from hot to ground in a 3-prong outlet.
  • Older home: 2-wire outlets - Self Help Forums
    Looks like all of my 2 - prong outlets behave the same way, and I get the same amount of "glow" from the circuit tester when I check the flow from hot to ground in a 3-prong outlet.
  • How to change 2 prong outlet into 3 prong? - Self Help Forums
    when i plug the red and black one into both outlets the light goes on. i never tried to plug it into the outlet with the 3 prong adapter plugged in. .... when i plugged the 3 prong tester into the adapter (3rd hole at top, metal tab at the … backwards i assume (sticker with descriptions is not visible) the first 2 lights are on. which … if it's backwards or grounded if not backwards.
  • Weird "Hot/Ground Reversed" Question (Warning - Long Post!) - Self Help Forums
    Whenever I put a load on the far end of the circuit, SOME of the outlets (numbers 3, 4, and 5) read "Hot/ Ground Reversed" on my 3- prong tester . .... 1 and 2 continue to read fine whether or not load is present.
  • Wiring 2nd level of Cape - Self Help Forums
    That room has all 2 pronged outlets . .... I tried adding a 3 prong outlet and running the ground wire to the outlet box, but that came up as "open ground" on my tester .
  • Using Arc welder with 2-prong plug
    The problem I am having is that I live in an old house where the outlets are 2 - prong . .... outlets in the garage are 3-prong but I have no reason to believe they're properly grounded . .... When I put a tester in there it says "Open Ground".
  • Using Arc welder with 2-prong plug [Archive] - WeldingWeb - Welding forum for pros and enthusiasts
    The problem I am having is that I live in an old house where the outlets are 2 - prong . .... outlets in the garage are 3-prong but I have no reason to believe they're properly grounded . .... When I put a tester in there it says "Open Ground".
  • Updating old outlets in an old house [Archive] - Self Help Forums
    Might save some work for you rather than running grounds (with the exception of the surge bar outlet ). .... I don't think they are flatly banned in Canada as there is a reference to 2 - prong receptacles in the Code, but I have yet to find them available where I live. .... hot and you don't have a volt-tick, you can use a neon tester (they were common…
  • Updating old outlets in an old house - Self Help Forums
    Might save some work for you rather than running grounds (with the exception of the surge bar outlet ). .... I don't think they are flatly banned in Canada as there is a reference to 2 - prong receptacles in the Code, but I have yet to find them available where I live. .... hot and you don't have a volt-tick, you can use a neon tester (they were common…
  • Self Help Forums - voltage in coaxial cable
    How are you plugging the HDTV with the 3- prong plug into a non- grounded receptacle? .... For most things, if they come with a grounded plug, you need to plug it into a grounded outlet with a real fault path (and no fair using a 3 to 2 cheater adapter). .... If so, check the polarity of your wall receptacle with a 3-light outlet tester .