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Conduct Research Top

  • Applying 3D Metrology Technology in Indy Racecars
    Today's new 3D metrology technology is making an impact on the design of championship Indy racecars. In this webcast, engineer Brent Knutson of Andretti Autosport (R) discusses the state of 3D metrology and laser scanning technology and its applications in design, reverse engineering and quality
  • 3D Optical Metrology - Versatile Tools For Advanced Manufacturing
    When looking at metrology, general discussion often revolves around the relative merits of contact or non-contact measurement solutions. There is now a drive across nearly all industries for smaller and more complex components (which are often prone to contamination or damage by even the slightest
  • Non-Contact 3D Surface Metrology of Large Grain High Purity Niobium by SLCM and FESEM
    Abstract - Non-Contact 3D Surface Metrology of Large Grain High Purity Niobium by. SLCM and FESEM. Z.H. Sung, P.J. Lee and D.C, Larbalestier. Applied Superconductivity Center, National High Magnetic Field Laboratory,. Florida State University, FL, 32310.
  • Optical Metrology Delivers Precision Engineering to the Production Floor
    Zygo is the market leader in non-contact 3D optical profilers, used in many aspects of production and manufacturing of metal components. Used on the production line, in metrology labs, or integrated into factory automation, Zygo technology enables fast and precise measurements allowing engineers
  • Improvement of Hail Damage Inspection with Advanced 3D Imaging
    used to approximate impacts maximum depth, dimensions and position, although they prove to be highly dependent on the inspector skills. 3D imaging technologies used for years in the metrology industry can be applied to improve accuracy, repeatability and inspection speed for this application
  • Sensor & Scanner Coatings
    Optical and image sensor use is on the rise with growing applications in industrial 3D metrology, machine vision, automotive obstacle avoidance, security and surveillance, document and 3D scanning, gesture recognition and other digital imaging applications. Abrisa Technologies now offers high
  • Interferometric 3D tracking of several particles in a scanning laser focus
    High-Speed tracking of several particles allows measuring dynamic long-range interactions relevant to biotechnology and colloidal physics. In this paper we extend the successful technique of 3D back-focal plane interferometry to oscillating laser beams and show that two or more particles can
  • E-Book-The Latest Info on Optical Metrology in Additive Manufacturing
    Ten years ago, 3D printing might have conjured up images of replicators from popular sci-fi shows and movies, where anything can be created on a whim. Today, however, 3D printing-also known as additive manufacturing-provides manufacturers and researchers with a wide array of possibilities

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