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Conduct Research Top

  • How Does a Humidity Sensor Work?
    Humidity refers to the amount of water vapor present in the surrounding air. Humidity sensors are devices that measure moisture and air temperature in an environment and convert the data into a corresponding electrical signal. Modern humidity sensors are highly adaptable and come in many shapes
  • Materials Tracking: It's All in the Data
    , but at this point, Cagle says, most companies are doing it manually. Another must-have for data systems is compliance with 21 CFR Part 11, the FDA directive on electronic documents and signatures. Sensicast Systems (Needham, Mass.) offers its SensiNet wireless sensor to monitor temperature, humidity
  • Virtual Sensors for Advanced Pharmaceutical Process Control
    material for compression. This example relates the use of virtual sensors in the automobile industry. Today s stringent emission regulations require that cars maintain precise air-fuel ratio (AFR) control under varying driving conditions. A major automaker saw a pressing need to replace current hardware
  • Recording Road Surfacing Data to Prove Process Efficiency
    . This data would have to be collected from sensors recording several different parameters including the temperature of the bitumen, the surrounding air, engine RPM, road speed, and more.
  • Application: Networked Freight Wagons
    To turn freight trains into connected modes of transport, they are equipped with sensors that collect data on their current position and the condition of wagons and their cargo, including parameters such as. temperature, air humidity, and amount of shocks sustained.
  • HydroMet Calibration Vehicle with WS501 Weather Station on Board
    . With the integration of the smart weather sensor Lufft WS501 the calibration vehicle can provide accurate data about air temperature, relative humidity, global radiation, air pressure, wind direction and wind speed.
  • Video Emissions Monitoring: New Compliance Tool?
    powders accumulate on the floor and must be vacuumed up. What s especially interesting about the work that McGlothlin and the 10 graduate students in his PEARL laboratory are doing, is the fact that they are applying video exposure monitoring, in a system that includes a sensor, wireless air sampling
  • Eddy Current - Skin, and Proximity Effects
    MAQ20 PID Control in a Home Heating Application In this application, a MAQ20 Data Acquisition and Control System along with DSCA Signal Conditioning Modules, standard sensors, and actuators control the combustion process of a batch fed cordwood boiler to optimum efficiency throughout a burn cycle

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