Products/Services for Argon Laser Price

  • Lasers-Image
    Lasers - (719 companies)
    ...the laser's wavelength. Gases -- carbon dioxide, argon, krypton, helium-neon, etc. Gases are typically pumped by electrical discharge. Solids -- crystals and glasses such as yttrium aluminum garnet (YAG) and sapphires. The crystal/glass host...
  • Ion Lasers-Image
    Ion Lasers - (21 companies)
    ...mixture comprised of group 18 (noble) gases -- typically either argon, krypton, or a combination of the two -- within a glass or ceramic tube. This serves as the laser medium. At least two high-reflectivity mirrors which form the optical resonator...
  • Laser Protective Eyewear-Image
    Laser Protective Eyewear - (45 companies)
    Laser protective eyewear includes glasses and goggles designed to filter out harmful radiation from lasers. If left unprotected, the human eye can be damaged permanently from direct or reflected laser beams and radiation. Laser protective eyewear...
  • Laser Beam Analyzers-Image
    Laser Beam Analyzers - (37 companies) the cylinder causes the cylinder to lengthen, shifting the transmission peaks of the analyzer allowing it to resolve the narrow spikes in the laser 's output. An optical spectrum analyzer can be used to monitor the output of argon lasers.
  • Laser Pointers-Image
    Laser Pointers - (44 companies)
    Laser pointers are compact instruments that produce a low-power, visible laser light. They are often used for pointing out features on a projected visual display. Laser pointers (sometimes known as laser pens) are compact, handheld laser devices...
    Laser Mirrors - (70 companies)
    Image Credit: CVI Laser Optics. Laser mirrors are designed for high reflectance and durability at individual laser wavelength ranges. Laser mirrors are used on the surface of solid-state lasers including alexandrite, Nd-glass, ruby, and YAG types...
    Excimer Lasers - (14 companies)
    Your Mind. Like most gas lasers, excimer laser power is provided by an electrical current source. The laser medium is a tube filled with three different types of gases: A noble gas (argon, krypton, or xenon). A halogen gas (fluorine, chlorine...
    Solid State Lasers - (176 companies)
    Solid state lasers use a transparent substance (crystalline or glass) as the active medium, doped to provide the energy states necessary for lasing. Solid state lasers are used in both low and high power applications. Solid state lasers use...
    Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Lasers - (55 companies)
    ...and Ar/Kr (argon and krypton) lasers in that the gas is preserved within the tube cylinder and is not refilled during use. However, the size of the tube and its bore are different as they are meant to function in using a much longer CO2 wavelength...
    Pharmaceutical and Medical Gases - (65 companies)
    ...or prevent the oxidation of prescription drugs where nitrogen may conflict. Blue argon lasers--ion lasers which utilize argon as the lazing medium--are used to weld arteries, destroy tumors, and correct eye defects. An argon and oxygen mix, known...

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