Products/Services for Borosilicate Glass Square Tubing

  • Tubing-Image
    Tubing - (2399 companies)
    Tubes are hollow cylinders used for fluid transport, structural applications, or electrical sheathing. They are usually cylindrical in shape, but may have round, rectangular, or square cross-sections. Tubing or tubes are hollow cylinders used...
  • Glass Tube and Rod-Image
    Glass Tube and Rod - (65 companies)
    ...or tubes can have round, square or specialized shapes. Multi-bore glass tube and rod is also available. Types of Glass Tube and Rod. There are many different types of glass tube and rod. Silica-based glass is the most common type, but specialty glasses...
  • Squares-Image
    Squares - (91 companies)
    Squares are used to indicate, by visual comparison, whether two surfaces are perpendicular. Most products consist of a simple, fixed standard and a beam and blade with a mutual orientation of 90 degrees. How to Select Squares. Squares are used...
  • Plastic Tubing-Image
    Plastic Tubing - (600 companies)
    Plastic tubing is tubing constructed from plastic compounds for use in fluid flow or structural systems, or as insulation or sheathing for electrical or heating assemblies. Plastic tubing is tubing constructed from plastic compounds for use in fluid...
    Quartz Tube and Rod - (36 companies)
    ...found in many watches. Fused quartz is comprised of silica, a typical substance making up almost one-third of the earth's crust. Vitreous silica is the generic name for silica glass while manufacturers refer to the element as fused quartz or fused...
    Medical Tubing - (177 companies)
    Medical tubing is made from a variety of materials and is typically sterilized and small in diameter. Glass, metal, plastic, and rubber silicone tubing are used in a variety of medical applications. Medical tubing is tubing that meets medical...
    Rubber Tubing - (210 companies)
    Rubber tubing is used in flow lines for fluids and gases in a variety of hydraulic, pneumatic, process, medical, and specialty applications. Rubber tubing is flexible and resilient due to its natural or synthetic rubber construction. Materials. What...
    Glass Sheets and Plate Glass - (113 companies)
    Description. Glass sheets and plate glass consist of flat glass materials in the form of thin or wide slab planar structures. Glass sheets and plate glass come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, thicknesses, and with a multitude of physical...
    Glass Materials - (344 companies)
    Borosilicate glass offers superior durability, chemical, and heat resistance, which make it suitable for use in chemical processes, in the pharmaceutical industry, in high-powered lamps, for cookware and other heat-resistant products. Soda lime glass...
    Glass Blocks - (24 companies)
    Glass blocks or bricks are architectural products that allow light to pass through, while also providing a level of privacy or obscuration. Glass blocks are typically square in shape and can have a variety of surface treatments that affect...

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Xiamen Innovacera Advanced Materials Co., Ltd.
Xiamen Innovacera Advanced Materials Co., Ltd.
Suntech Applied Materials (Hefei) Co.,Ltd
Suntech Applied Materials (Hefei) Co.,Ltd
Xiamen Innovacera Advanced Materials Co., Ltd.
MINTEQ® International Inc, Pyrogenics Group