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  • Application Example - Custom Chiller for Water Treatment Industry
    An OEM machine builder turned to Pfannenberg for assistance with a project that required a chiller to fit in a smaller scale Ferrator water treatment system. Initially, a CC 6301 packaged chiller was used successfully; however, new design criteria required further miniaturization and the standard
  • Operating Chillers In The Max-Cap Range (.pdf)
    The cooling capacity for most centrifugal water cooled chillers is generally based on 3 gpm/ton of 85°F condenser water when the outdoor wb temperature is at the summer design for that geographic location.
  • Controlling Chillers in Variable Flow Systems (.pdf)
    Since the evolution of primary-secondary pumping arrangements over 20 years ago, multiple chillers have been controlled by measuring flow in the secondary system and then operating the appropriate chiller(s) to handle the flow. This control method is flawed in that a variable flow chilled water
  • Case Study: Water Chiller Boiler Discharge
    Making the switch from metal to plastic in commercial pipe applications can result in a longer system life, higher corrosion resistance, lower installation and maintenance costs, and safer welding options. A contractor in charge of a boiler water discharge to a lagoon in Oklahoma needed
  • Choosing Manifolds For Mould Cooling
    Manifolds are common auxiliaries in a plastics injection moulding shop. They are key components of mould water cooling circuits. Their primary function is to route cooling water from the tower or chiller to the water passages in the mould, then collect the warmer water leaving the mould
  • Application Example - Combined Chiller & Air/Water Heat Exchanger for Industrial Laundry
    German manufacturer setting up a industrial laundry system for an airport in the Middle East needed to cool the electronic components that controlled the laundry system. When the washing machine drums were opened, the humidity increased and the ambient air within the facility reached temperatures of
  • Understanding Chilled Water Pipe Insulation
    a building by transferring heat from the indoor air into cold water forced through piping. The heated water then moves to an electric chiller where refrigerant rechills the water to about 45 oF or less, dispensing the cool air throughout the facility.
  • Application Example - CC Chiller for Food and Beverage
    An OEM manufacturer of pasta making equipment had production process issues. Faulty pumps in the cooling system obstructed the flow of fresh water during pasta production. The customer needed a reliable cooled water source for the pasta extruders and assurance of consistently fault-free

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