Products/Services for Clean Bench Distributor

  • Clean Benches-Image
    Clean Benches - (93 companies)
    Clean benches are designed to protect biological specimens by bathing the work area with air that is free of particulate contamination. Clean benches are designed to protect biological specimens by bathing the work area with HEPA filtered air...
    Laminar Flow Direction
    Air Cleanliness Class
    HEPA Filter Efficiency
    Electrolytic Cleaning Equipment - (18 companies)
    Electrolytic cleaning equipment uses electrolytes and applied current to electrochemically clean welds and other metal surfaces. Electrolytic cleaners are also known as electrocleaners, weld cleaners and electrochemical cleaning systems...
    Filter Cleaners and Cleaning Equipment - (24 companies)
    ...bench-top filter cleaners and cleaning equipment are available for laboratory or pilot applications. Features. Special filter cleaners and filter cleaning equipment are available that utilize a combination of cleaning technologies. These hybrid technology...
  • Ultrasonic Cleaners and Cleaning Systems-Image
    Ultrasonic Cleaners and Cleaning Systems - (208 companies)
    ...corrosion or other contamination from the surfaces of components coming off a production line. Industrial ultrasonic cleaners include degreasing cleaners, sterilizer washers and ultrasonic parts washers. Ultrasonic cleaners are available as complete cleaning...
  • Industrial Parts Washers and Cleaning Systems-Image
    Industrial Parts Washers and Cleaning Systems - (664 companies)
    ...blast debris, swarf, paint, corrosion, or other contaminants from the surfaces of components exiting a production line. They use hot water, detergents, solvents, vapors, abrasive particles, acids, and alkaline solutions to clean part surfaces...
    Immersion Parts Washers - (177 companies)
    Immersion parts washers clean components by submersing them in an agitated cleaning solution contained in a wash tank. They are used to remove grease, soil, oil, abrasive dust, blast debris, swarf, paint, corrosion, or other contamination from...
    Spray Washers - (218 companies)
    Spray washers clean parts with a directed, pressurized spray of hot water, detergent or cleaning solution. They are used to remove grease, soil, oil, abrasive dust, blast debris, swarf, paint, corrosion or other contaminants from the surfaces...
    Furniture - (751 companies)
    Furniture consists of seating, benches, tables, cabinets and chairs for indoor or outdoor applications. Furniture consists of seating, tables, and cabinets that can be used for indoor and outdoor applications. Office furniture and industrial...
    Workbenches and Workstations (Industrial) - (659 companies)
    Industrial workbenches and industrial workstations are locations where personnel perform work. Products range from economy workbenches to cleanroom and electronic assembly benches. Industrial workbenches and industrial workstations are locations...
    Hydroblasters and Water Blasters - (119 companies)
    Hydroblasters and water blasters direct high pressure (10,000+ psi) streams of water against a surface to clean or cut the material. Hydroblaster and water blaster equipment is used to direct high pressure streams of water against a surface to clean...

Product News

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Providing Additional Clean Room Technology...

It is common knowledge that to have a clean environment inside a biosafety cabinet or clean bench, you have to have HEPA-filtered air. Presumably, the filter removes all contaminants, but does it really? How does a HEPA filter work? Are all HEPA filters created equal?...

Across the Bench: Cleaning Molds, Parts I, II and III Cleaning a mold is a critical part of the repair process, but many myths must be dispelled. Plastic injection molding offers many benefits to the buying public. Lightweight, durable plastics de-signed to enhance the American way of life...

Purchasing laboratory equipment can be a difficult task. Especially when there are interchangeable terms of products; laminar flow, clean bench, fume hood, laminar flow hood. After a few minutes of browsing the internet, the lines begin to blur and things become less clear. So, what exactly...

...or left in its bare copper form. A practical discussion on the topic with a focus on the real world rather than the lab bench is long overdue. To begin with, copper has to be specified properly for the application. Asking for bare or tinned copper does not in itself guarantee any particular...

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  • Security of supply on electricity markets, investment dilemma, through wasteful market design?
    Thirdly, the wholesale plane is first only considered, on the producer, far distributor (e.g., public utility companies), large collectors or pure trader (e.g., banks ) larger .
  • Frequency Counters / B&K Precision Corporation
    The 4086?s versatility and capabilities make it an ideal tool for many general-purpose test and bench applications or for use in Training and Education.# … for sine and up to 40 MHz for square# Clean and stable output of .... Product Home Contact/Sales Distributor /Reps Related Products Company Catalog Share Save Saved .
  • DDS Function Generators / FM
    The 4086?s versatility and capabilities make it an ideal tool for many general-purpose test and bench applications or for use in Training and Education.# … for sine and up to 40 MHz for square# Clean and stable output of .... Product Home Contact/Sales Distributor /Reps Related Products Company Catalog Share Save Saved .
  • Modulation / B&K Precision Corporation
    The 4086?s versatility and capabilities make it an ideal tool for many general-purpose test and bench applications or for use in Training and Education.# … for sine and up to 40 MHz for square# Clean and stable output of .... Product Home Contact/Sales Distributor /Reps Related Products Company Catalog Share Save Saved .
  • Signal / B&K Precision Corporation
    The 4086?s versatility and capabilities make it an ideal tool for many general-purpose test and bench applications or for use in Training and Education.# … for sine and up to 40 MHz for square# Clean and stable output of .... Product Home Contact/Sales Distributor /Reps Related Products Company Catalog Share Save Saved .
  • Cell Phone / Power Supplies
    Clean power and quiet operation make this power supply ideal for laboratories, work shops, and schools where bench space is limited. .... Product Home Contact/Sales Distributor /Reps Datasheet Manual Company Catalog Share Save Saved .
  • DDS Function Generators / AM / Signal
    The 4086?s versatility and capabilities make it an ideal tool for many general-purpose test and bench applications or for use in Training and Education.# … for sine and up to 40 MHz for square# Clean and stable output of .... Product Home Contact/Sales Distributor /Reps Related Products Company Catalog Share Save Saved .
  • DDS Function Generators / AM
    The 4086?s versatility and capabilities make it an ideal tool for many general-purpose test and bench applications or for use in Training and Education.# … for sine and up to 40 MHz for square# Clean and stable output of .... Product Home Contact/Sales Distributor /Reps Related Products Company Catalog Share Save Saved .
  • DDS Function Generators / FSK
    The 4086?s versatility and capabilities make it an ideal tool for many general-purpose test and bench applications or for use in Training and Education.# … for sine and up to 40 MHz for square# Clean and stable output of .... Product Home Contact/Sales Distributor /Reps Related Products Company Catalog Share Save Saved .
  • DDS Function Generators / Arbitrary Waveform Generators
    The 4086?s versatility and capabilities make it an ideal tool for many general-purpose test and bench applications or for use in Training and Education.# … for sine and up to 40 MHz for square# Clean and stable output of .... Product Home Contact/Sales Distributor /Reps Related Products Company Catalog Share Save Saved .