Supplier: CANNON Instrument Company
Description: The apm-8 is an automated Pensky-Martens Closed Cup flash point tester. Procedures are pre-programmed for homogeneous petroleum liquids, residual fuel oils and other non-homogeneous liquid and biodiesel.
- Property Analyzed: Flash Point / Flammability
- Tested Fuel: Fuel Oil
Supplier: CANNON Instrument Company
Description: The atg-8l is an automated Tag Closed Cup flash point tester with a metal block bath for low temperature testing. Cooling and heating is controlled through liquid cooled Peltier modules. An optional chiller is required.
- Property Analyzed: Flash Point / Flammability
- Tested Fuel: Fuel Oil
Description: ISO 3679:2004 specifies a method for the determination of the closed cup flash point of paints (including water-borne paints), varnishes, paint binders, adhesives, solvents, petroleum, and related products having closed cup flash points within
Description: ISO 13736:2013 specifies a method for the determination of the manual and automated closed-cup flash point of combustible liquids having flash points between -30,0 °C to 75,0 °C . However, the precision given for this method is only valid for flash
Supplier: Accuris
Description: Determination of flash point - Abel closed-cup method
Supplier: Accuris
Description: Determination of flash point - Closed cup equilibrium method
Description: ISO 2719:2002 describes two procedures, A and B, using the Pensky-Martens closed cup tester, for determining the flash point of combustible liquids, liquids with suspended solids, liquids that tend to form a surface film under the test conditions and other liquids. It is
Description: This International Standard specifies a method to determine the flash point of paints, varnishes, paint binders, solvents, petroleum or related products. This International Standard is not applicable to water-borne paints which may, however, be tested using ISO 3679. The method is
Supplier: Accuris
Description: Determination of flash no-flash and flash point ? Rapid equilibrium closed cup method
Supplier: Accuris
Description: Methods for the determination of the flash point of flammable liquids (closed cup), Part 6: Determination of flash point - Closed cup equilibrium method
Supplier: CSA Group
Description: ISO 3679:2015 specifies procedures for flash point tests, within the temperature range of -30 °C to 300 °C, for paints, including water-borne paints, varnishes, binders for paints and varnishes, adhesives, solvents, petroleum, and related products. The procedures are used to determine
Supplier: Anton Paar
Description: The automatic Pensky-Martens closed-cup tester measures the flash point at the lowest temperature at which the application of an ignition source causes the vapors of a sample to ignite. PMA 5 is suitable for flammability applications on both biodiesel and biodiesel-blended fuels
- Display & Special Features: Computer Interface / Networkable, Laboratory / Batch
- Property Analyzed: Flash Point / Flammability
- Test Media / Material: Fuel
Supplier: ASTM International
Description: Standard Test Methods for Flash-Point by Pensky-Martens Closed Cup Tester
Supplier: CSA Group
Description: ISO 13736:2013 specifies a method for the determination of the manual and automated closed-cup flash point of combustible liquids having flash points between -30,0 °C to 75,0 °C . However, the precision given for this method is only valid for flash
Supplier: CANNON Instrument Company
Description: ASTM D56, ASTM D92, ASTM D93 CANNON flash point reference materials are produced in accordance with ASTM D56, Tag Closed Cup Flash Point, ASTM D92, Cleveland Open Cup Flash Point and ASTM D93, Pensky Marten Closed Cup
Supplier: ASTM International
Description: guaranteed between results obtained by different test methods or with test appartus different from that specified. 1.2 This test method covers the determination of the flash point of fuel oils, lube oils, solvents, and other liquids by a continuously closed cup tester.
Supplier: ASTM International
Description: guaranteed between results obtained by different test methods or with test apparatus different from that specified. 1.2 This test method covers the determination of the flash point of fuel oils, lube oils, solvents, and other liquids by a continuously closed cup tester.
Supplier: ASTM International
Description: guaranteed between results obtained by different test methods or with test apparatus different from that specified. 1.2 This test method covers the determination of the flash point of fuel oils, lube oils, solvents, and other liquids by a continuously closed cup tester.
Supplier: IHS ESDU
Description: experimental and estimated values of closed cup flash point, flammability limits and autoignition temperatures are presented in the Tables. It must be emphasised that these flammability properties are dependent on the purity of the substances and on the method of
Supplier: AENOR
Description: Determination of flash no-flash and flash point - Rapid equilibrium closed cup method (ISO 3679:2015)
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