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  • How a Marlo Stratomizer Works
    The Marlo Stratomizer (R) Dampered Face and Bypass Coil - also known as an Integral Face and Bypass Coil (IFB) - provides the most reliable method of preheating and tempering fresh outside air. The coil sections maintain full steam pressure or constant hot water flow to the coil at all times
  • IR and Wetting Contamination
    "hot spots" on the 115KV slant mounted bushings and corona activity could be heard. The transformer with the "hot spots" on the bushings is located closest to the salt water of the Piscataqua River, approximately 75 yards away in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Minimal or no "hot spots" were noted
  • Navigating the Thermoplastics Maze
    Thermoplastic resins are in constant development to enhance specific characteristics that may offer value for a myriad of applications. With so many thermoplastic piping materials offered today for applications ranging from potable water to hot sulfuric acid, it's not always clear which are best
    little difference between the hot cabinet temperature and the outside surroundings. He had also considered the Freon-type air-conditioners similar to those on other panels in the Lasercraft building. Based on past experience, Mr. Hauck considered them "a constant maintenance project of their own
  • MSilica Nanoparticles Treated by Cold Atmospheric-Pressure Plasmas Improve the Dielectric Performance of Organic-Inorganic Nanocomposites
    fabrication techniques such as hot. embossing and injection molding. We consider mixing in four devices that are inspired by. the DEP-based devices in [20, 21]. A pressure drop is used to. drive the flow of two parallel deionized water streams. through the devices. One stream contains beads

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