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  • Medical Dental Chairs
    Most dentists prefer to work on a given patient at an individually chosen position of the chair's height and angle. Remembering positions for each and every patient, as well as those positions unique to the dental hygienist, is easy if the chair is automated. A controller receives the operator's
  • Motion in Dental Applications
    The motion needs of the dental industry vary with applications ranging from the movement of dental chairs and dental CNC machines for milling implants to dental radiology and not forgetting "everyone's favorite" dental drill. Miniature motors are a key component to the latter.
  • What are Linear Actuators and How are they Sized?
    Linear actuators provide important functions to a range of medical devices such as medical beds, operating tables, and dental chairs. A linear actuator is a mechanical device that converts energy to create straight-line motion to either lift, tilt, or move mechanical legs in and out, depending

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